Can Ayurvedic Weight Loss Capsules Help You Lose Belly Fat Fast?

ayurvedic weight loss capsules

Do you ever see the growing craze about Ayurveda around you day by day? This is all because of its natural and effective approach towards overall health and well-being. This Indian originated, more than 5000 years old medicinal system is among the oldest healthcare practices but many people still use it due to its effective results and with each passing day its popularity is increasing.

The Ayurvedic practice relies on balancing the internal energies of a body also known as Doshas which governs every expect of health by focusing on nutrition, stress reduction, and balanced lifestyle, thus, millions of people around the world adopted ayurvedic principles and natural remedies for their weight loss. Continue reading this blog to know more about ayurvedic medicine for weight loss, eating practices, and lifestyle changes according to Ayurveda.

Components of Ayurvedic Weight Loss Capsules

The composition of an ayurvedic medicine is the real hero behind its effectiveness in weight management. Generally these capsules are blended with natural herbs which are why these are considered safer than the others. Here are some of the common herbs mentioned below that are known for can be found in these capsules:

Green Coffee Beans

Chlorogenic acid which is packed with antioxidants and a small amount of caffeine are the basic components in these unroasted form of coffee. This composition is useful in boosting metabolism which helps to burn belly fat.


This ingredient is mostly used in our parathas and pakodas to enhance their taste but beside this it can support reliving bloating, digestion, and gas.


This powerful herb supports reducing weight to manage obesity and also helps to control appetite to manage unhealthy junk cravings.


Stress can support rising weight in us and this herb can help in lowering the level of stress hormone to support weight reduction.


Being a mixture of three powerful fruits; Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki, this herb holds the potential to help manage obesity by improving metabolism and can also supports healthy digestion.

In Ayurveda these herbs are known as the Best Medicine for Weight Loss all due to their nutritional benefits for health and overall-being.

Dietary Modifications According to Your Doshas


ayurvedic medicine for weight loss


There are three forms of Doshas; Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha which are linked to different natural elements such as:

  • Vatta: It is linked to space and air and known as the energy of movement.
  • Pitta: Generally connected to fire and water and known as the energy of metabolism
  • Kapha: It is associated with earth and water and known as the energy that governs body’s structure.

While every person has these doshas in their primary constitution but whichever among them shows their dominancy in the particular person, becomes that person’s dosha and a person should eat according to this dominant dosha to keep them healthy.

Knowing Your Dosha

Identifying your dosha is mandatory for knowing what food you should eat and what should be avoided. Thus consult an ayurvedic practitioner to help them identify your dominant dosha.

Diet For People With Pitta Balance

  • Should eat a lot of raw vegetables especially spring or summer vegetables.
  • Lower your meat, seafood, or animal intake.
  • Avoid including tea, coffee or other caffeine containing stuffs, alcohol, and spicy food in your diet.
  • Should avoid eating nuts and seeds and eat lentils in a moderate amount.
  • Eat sweetened dairy product

Kapha Foods That Should Be Eaten By People With Kapha Dominance

  • Eat in smaller amounts and limit protein intake.
  • Avoid high fat containing foods, dairy products and limit meat, nuts, and seeds.
  • Eat a lot of leafy greens and fruits like apples.

Vatta Diet For People with Vatta Dosha

  • Focus on eating 3-4 small meals daily
  • Eat a lot of cooked vegetables while avoiding nightshade vegetables like Brinjal and Tomatoes.
  • Avoid astringent fruits, instead eat juicy fruits and avoid legumes.
  • Add nuts and seeds to your diet and avoid frozen food and substance abuse.

Eating diet according to dosha type can enhance the effectiveness of weight loss capsules.

Exercise for Better Weight Management

Regular physical activity is necessary to support the efficiency of ayurvedic treatments thus; your weight loss exercise plan should contain a number of exercises including brisk walking, running, strength training, and other physical exercise.


In this fast moving world, our unhealthy lifestyle choices is taking us near obesity, thus; every other individual is searching for weight loss solutions for effective weight management and in this search Ayurvedic medicines has emerged as the best medicine for weight loss as they provide a holistic support to health due to its natural composition including ingredients like Ajwain, Triphala, Green Coffee Extract, Ashwagandha, and Punernava.

For harnessing the benefits of these capsules it is necessary to know about your dominant dosha and eat according to it, while also practising regular exercise.

So, this new year if you’re also looking for solutions to fulfil your weight loss resolutions, then don’t weight for any miracles. Click here and explore the best of Ayurveda and Get Up to 60% off on every purchase.


Can Ayurvedic Weight Loss Capsules Help Me Lose Belly Fat?

Yes they can.

Are Ayurvedic Weight Loss Capsules Safe For Everyone?

They are considered to be safe but it is advised to consult your health expert for better guidance.

Do Ayurvedic Weight Loss Capsules Have Any Side Effects?

They generally don’t show any side effects but check for the ingredients for potential allergens.

What Are The Key Ingredients In Ayurvedic Weight Loss Capsules?

Ashawaganda, Triphala, and Ajwain are some herbs that are present in these capsules.

Can I Take Ayurvedic Weight Loss Capsules With Other Medications?

Yes you can but it’s better to take advice from a doctor before adding them to your diet.

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